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Case StudiesCourt Reports
fuentes blog 21
Vallans [2019] – Seeing eye to eye: Can a parent be given sole parental responsibility because of communication difficulties?

Vallans [2019] – Seeing eye to eye: Can a parent be given sole parental responsibility because of communication difficulties?

Vallans & Vallans [2019] FamCAFC 260 There is a presumption in family law that parents share parental responsibility for their children. Parental responsibility means all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which a parent has, by law, in relation...

Case StudiesCourt Reports
fuentes blog 20
TAYLOR [2007] – Should a person’s “happiness” determine their relocation application?

TAYLOR [2007] – Should a person’s “happiness” determine their relocation application?

Relocation cases are difficult to determine. They commonly involve one parent who wishes to relocate with the child/ren to a place which would put considerable distance between the child/ren and the other parent. These cases are judged no differently to other cases...

Case Studies
fuentes blog 14
Bondelmonte [2017] – “I want to live with Dad overseas” – the influence of teenage children’s views

Bondelmonte [2017] – “I want to live with Dad overseas” – the influence of teenage children’s views

Bondelmonte v Bondelmonte [2017] HCA 8 The Case This was a case which reached the High Court. It concerned the return to Australia of two teenage boys, aged nearly 17 and 15, who at the time were holidaying with their father in New York. The father had overextended...